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Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Sci-Fi Adventures Awards - Season 6 (2021-22)

I think it's about the right time for Ray Hardgrit's Sci-Fi Adventures Awards Season 6! I watched a lot of science fiction between April 2021 and March 2022 and now I'm going to celebrate the highs and say harsh things about the lows.

First though I should let you know that this is probably the last time I do one of these articles. My memory's just not good enough to do them justice, especially considering the amount of episodes I cover in a year. I mean everything in this list is in with a chance to win something here:
  • Babylon 5 4-16 - The Exercise of Vital Powers to 5-11 - Phoenix Rising
  • Babylon 5 - In the Beginning
  • Cowboy Bebop 01 - Asteroid Blues
  • Cowboy Bebop 2021
  • Doctor Who series 13 - Flux
  • Doctor Who - Eve of the Daleks
  • Farscape 1-01 - Premier
  • Firefly 1-01 - Serenity
  • Outlaw Star 01 - Outlaw World to 04 - When the Hot Ice Melts
  • Red Dwarf 1-01 - The End
  • Star Trek 1-01 - The Man Trap
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation 1-01 - Encounter at Farpoint
  • Star Trek: Voyager 1-01 - Caretaker
  • Star Trek: Enterprise 1-01 - Broken Bow
  • Star Trek: Discovery season 3
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks season 1
  • Star Wars: The Mandalorian season 2
You can see why I don't want to do these anymore. There's 77 episodes and a movie in that list! 3000 minutes of science fiction from 15 different series! (Assuming I haven't accidentally left something out.) That's a lot of SPOILERS, so study the list carefully before reading further or else you might learn something about one of these stories you didn't want to know.

Best Teaser

Like last year I'm starting with Best Teaser, the award that has me rewatching the first five minutes of a bunch of episodes to find out which has the greatest cold open! How many episodes did I cover again? Oh, 77, that's right. Bloody hell...

There were lots of good teasers in this batch of stories, especially at the start of seasons where the writers were just a little bit more eager to show off and grab people's interest. Lower Decks had Mariner making the Klingons question the meaning of her intense bass and Tendi showing off The Dog. The Mandalorian featured Mando giving a thief a remote-control jetpack ride and piloting the wreck of the Razor Crest into the ocean. Firefly had the Battle of Serenity Valley and Wash's dinosaur story in the same teaser! And Doctor Who had the Doctor finally exterminated by the Daleks.

 Click to see which episode started with the best hook.

Best Character Reappearance

This is the award for when a character reappears somewhere you didn't necessarily expect and it's awesome. Maybe they've turned up on an entirely different series, maybe they've been missing for a few years, or maybe they were just presumed dead. Last time the Rikers won thanks to their appearance in Star Trek: Picard, but they've got some competition this time.

The Mandalorian in particular has been bringing back a ton of characters from earlier stories, like Bo-Katan Kryze, Ahsoka Tano, Boba Fett and Luke Actual Skywalker, to the point where it made me watch The Clone Wars cartoon to get some extra context. In a good way.

The Star Trek series also had some interesting cameos, like Zefram Cochrane, Q, Quark, McCoy and The Guardian of Forever. Plus Babylon 5's In the Beginning was a prequel, allowing the return of Kosh and Dukhat.

Click to see the best reappearing character.

Best New Character

Okay, I watched the first episodes of Cowboy Bebop, Farscape, Firefly, Outlaw Star, Red Dwarf, Star Trek, Next Gen, Voyager, Enterprise and Lower Decks over the last year, so I'm making a new rule that the best new character can't be one of the initial regulars. Otherwise this is going to be ridiculous. Plus they have to be in at least two stories.

There are still a lot of new regulars for me to consider though, like Babylon 5's Captain Elizabeth Lochley, Doctor Who's Dan Lewis, and Discovery's Cleveland Booker. Doctor Who went a bit crazy for a six part season, also introducing Karvanista the angry dog man, Vinder and Bel, Professor Jericho... lots of characters. Discovery gave us Adira Tal and Gray Tal, along with Oded Fehr as Admiral Vance and David Cronenberg as Doctor Kovich, which was pretty unexpected. And Lower Decks gave us Jet Manhaver and Badgey.

Click to see the best new guy.

Best Uniform

I watched six different Star Trek series last year, so I've got a few costumes to choose from here. Plus there are the uniforms from all the other shows just to make the decision a little harder.

Yeah, this might be a problem.

Okay I'll see if I can narrow this down a little. The Enterprise uniforms have always been a bit too monochrome for me, and the Discovery uniforms are a bit too 'Zap Brannigan'. Plus the velour Star Trek: The Original Series tunics shrank too much in the wash, and the Next Gen costumes gave the actors back pain.

Actually screw it, I'm skipping this one and jumping straight to...

Worst Costume

Half the time I don't even bother hiding the 'Worst Costume' winner because one outfit is just so bad that I can't even think of anything else on its level. I did have a couple of other ideas, like Wesley Crusher's sweater, and I wasn't keen on the grey 32nd Discovery uniforms either, but this award has got to go to the Suliban uniform from Enterprise.

The material comes across like it was especially designed to look equally bad in the CGI sequences, and gluing bits of rubber onto them did not enhance their appearance.

Most Hateable Villain

Last year I chose Picard's Narissa as the most hateable villain, not because she was a good bad guy, just because I hated the character. But maybe I'll pick a villain I hate for the right reasons this time.

I've already picked Bester from Babylon 5 a while back, but the series has got some other good candidates like President Clark and Byron. Okay maybe Byron isn't technically a villain, but he's definitely hateable. Doctor Who had a ton of them recently, like Swarm, Azure, Stenck, the Grand Serpent and Tecteun.

The Mandalorian had Moff Gideon, Lower Decks had Badgey, Discovery had Osyraa, Farscape had Crais... plus I could pick Next Gen's Q! I have a lot of options here.

Click to see the most horrible bad guy.

The 'Michael Burnham' Award for Biggest Damn Space Hero

This award is for the character who does the most aburdly heroic things and saves the day in the most dramatic fashion. Last time John Sheridan won by nuking the villain's city while he was standing in it, then picking himself back up afterwards to win the whole war, but with Michael Burnham back in play he's got some serious competition.

Here are some of the nominees:
  • John Sheridan - Escapes from prison, frees Earth from a despot, destroys the Minbari's toughest ship in a prequel.
  • Michael Burnham - Solves the mystery of the Burn, gives the Federation a source of dilithium, destroys the Emerald Chain.
  • The Doctor - Stops the Sontarans conquering the Earth, participates in a scheme that saves a percentage of the universe from the Flux.
  • Captain Archer - Infiltrates a Suliban base in a stolen enemy ship to rescue a Klingon.
  • Faye Valentine - Flies her ship into a missile to save her friends.
  • Din Djarin - Deliberately gets himself eaten by a Kryat Dragon in order to blow it up!
  • Luke Skywalker - Wipes out a whole ship full of unstoppable robot super soldiers.
Click to see who saved the day.

Best Action Scene

This award is for any kind of action scene that isn't a space battle. So shootouts, fight scenes, chases, that kind of thing.

Some ideas that jump to mind are the bathroom fight in Cowboy Bebop, the car chase in Outlaw Star, Burnham and Book fighting the Exchange in Discovery, and the canyon chase in The Mandalorian. But I've got a lot of good action to choose from here.

Click to see what wins.

Cleverest Use of Trickery or a Loophole

This award should be Doctor Who's to lose, but the Doctor's been a little less ingenius during the Chris Chibnall era so it's not a sure thing. Here are some of the possible winners:
  • Babylon 5 - Sheridan smuggling cybernetic telepaths onto the Earth ships to shut them all down at once and fly to Earth without a fight.
  • Cowboy Bebop - Spike pickpocketing the bloody eye and impersonating the buyer.
  • Cowboy Bebop (2021) - Vicious using a holographic disguise to avoid an obvious double cross and sieze control of the Syndicate.
  • Doctor Who - The Doctor coming up with a clever plan to escape a time loop, but first using a fake plan to throw off her pursuers.
  • Discovery - Burnham and Book swiping all of Discovery's dilithium to trick the Titan vessel into lowering their shields.

Click here for the cunning victor.

The "Wait, WHAT?" Award for Exceptional Absurdity

Sometimes an episode will do something that kicks me right out of a story, ruins my immersion, and leaves me staring at actors on sets wondering what the hell the writers were thinking. This award is for the situation or reveal that hit my suspension of disbelief the hardest, and with Doctor Who and Discovery both in the running it's going to be close.

Here's what Discovery's bringing to the table this time:
  • Georgiou shuts down 32nd century holograms by blinking too fast, a trick she knew from the 23rd century.
  • Discovery has an entire cityscape inside it that's bigger than the ship itself, with turbolifts flying everywhere.
  • A mutant kid caused the detonation of dilithium across the galaxy all on his own by screaming.
  • Saru decided to assign Ensign Tilly to be Discovery's first officer
Meanwhile Doctor Who has:
  • Tecteun attempts to destroy the entire universe to stop the Doctor meddling with her plans in the alternate universe she's moving over to.
  • She deliberately has the Doctor captured so she can bring her with her.
Plus Outlaw Star has Hot Ice Hilda getting away with wearing a fake face over her eyepatch, Lower Decks has a guy accidentally becoming an energy being and meeting the Koala, and Enterprise ends its pilot with Archer learning the wrong lesson from his flashback and deliberately flying into a hazardous ion storm. The idiot.

Click to see which is dumbest.

Best Spaceship

For this award each spaceship can only win once, so the X-Wing and Millennium Falcon are already out forever, along with the EAS Agamemnon, the Tardis, the first four hero Enterprises (Original Series to First Contact), and the White Star. There are a lot of great ships still competing though, and I won't have another chance to do this, so I'm going to make this a top five.
  • Babylon 5 - The two kinds of Starfury, the Minbari War Cruiser.
  • Cowboy Bebop - The Bebop, the Swordfish II.
  • Farscape - Moya.
  • Firefly - Serenity.
  • Outlaw Star - The Outlaw Star.
  • Red Dwarf - Red Dwarf.
  • Trek pilots - Excelsior-class, NX-01 Enterprise, Voyager.
  • Discovery - Discovery/Discovery-A, Voyager-J, Book's ship.
  • Lower Decks - The Cerritos, the Vancouver, the Titan.
  • The Mandalorian - The Razor Crest, Slave 1, TIE Fighter, Arquitens-class command cruiser.
Click to see multiple spaceships.

Best Death

Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence, so it's inevitable that a few characters are going to die along the way. This award is for the character that went out in the most interesting, heroic, dramatic or memorable way, and I can think of a few candidates.

The first one that jumps to mind is Byron from Babylon 5, who finally brought his frustrating story arc to an end by shooting a puddle of leaking fuel, incinerating himself and his followers. That should be an easy winner really, but there's also Outlaw Star's Hot Ice Hilda detonating a bomb while falling into a sun in order to save her new crew from a magic pirate.

Meanwhile in the Trek series, Voyager's Commander Cavit got himself killed because he decided to run across the bridge instead of bracing for impact, Lower Decks's Shaxs went out fighting a room full of Pakleds on an exploding ship, and Darnell went off with another man's murderous salt vampire wife and became the first ever person to die in Star Trek.

Also Rimmer exposed the entire crew of Red Dwarf to lethal radiation by his inept repair job on the drive plate.

Click to see the winning dead guy.

Most Shocking Twist or Reveal

This is a bit like the "Wait, WHAT?" award, except with more joy and positivity. Well, maybe not for the people involved.

Babylon 5 featured Sheridan's shocking endgame for the cybernetically augemented telepaths he had in cryo, Discovery revealed that the Federation was close to collapse due to the detonation of their dilithium, and Lower Decks surprised us with the identity of Mariner's mother. Meanwhile The Mandalorian kept giving us surprise guest stars like Bo-Katan and Ahsoka from The Clone Wars, a very much alive Fennec Shand and Boba Fett, and Luke Skywalker.

Plus it seems weird to count the premise of a series as being a twist, but I'm sure someone went into Red Dwarf not knowing that the whole crew dies or started Voyager not realising that they were going to be trapped in the Delta Quadrant.

 Click here for the shocking reveal.

Greatest Moment

Moments are awkward, because there's a lot of them in an episode, and even more of them in 77 episodes. I'll see what I can remember though.

Babylon 5 gave us the Agamemnon flying through the exploding defence platform, Bester telling Garibaldi how he'd been brainwashed, and Ivanova's 'god sent me' speech. Plus Firefly had Mal's incredibly cruel joke on Simon when he told him Kaylee was dead, and the time he resolved a hostage situation in one shot while walking onto his ship.

The Mandalorian was full of awesome moments. Like the time Mando had to decide if he was going to go against his religion and take off his helmet so he could find his son.

The Trek series had their moments too, like Burnham getting drugged in Discovery, and Holo Mariner arriving to save her mother from Actual Mariner in Lower Decks.

Did I mention that Mando deliberately got himself eaten by a Kryat Dragon in order to blow it up?

And the most awesome moment is.

Funniest Moment

Oh man, now I need to think of even more moments.

Okay, uh, there's Boba Yoda's insatiable hunger for eggs in The Mandalorian, Sulu's hand puppet plant in Star Trek.... I suppose half of Red Dwarf and Lower Decks would qualify. I've got other awards to get to however, so I'm not going to keep you in suspense a second longer.

Click here for the funniest moment.

Best Opening Credits Sequence

Alright, this award is for the best opening titles sequence, and I'll be judging them on both the theme music and the imagery. Babylon 5 season 4 won last year, so that'll be sitting this one out, but there are a ton of other series in the running this time.

There's Babylon 5's fifth season opening, Cowboy Bebop, the other Cowboy Bebop, Doctor Who: Flux, Farscape season 1, Firefly, Outlaw Star, Red Dwarf season 1, and half a dozen Star Treks. Not The Mandalorian, that doesn't have opening titles. It'd definitely win a 'Best End Credits' award though, with its showcase of concept art.
    Click for the result.

    Worst Opening Credits Sequence

    The winner is Enterprise, there's not even a contest here. The sad thing is that the visuals are actually very good, it's just the music that drags it down.

    I know that a lot of people actually like the song Where My Heart Will Take Me, it does at least have a fitting message, but even they would probably concede that it sounds jarring coming right after a dramatic teaser.

    Worst Visual Effect

    Babylon 5 usually has this one in the bag, though this time the most unpleasant visual I can think of is the stock photo of flowers that ripples onto the screen to demonstrate a telepathic message. The original Star Trek's The Man Trap is cheating by being from the 60s, but its spaceship shots have been mangled by the compositing process, its morph fade effects have the background shifting along with the character, and they even got the transporter fade misaligned. Red Dwarf's hologram effects are pretty ropey as well, as you'd expect coming from BBC on a sitcom budget in the 80s. It's a miracle the shots of Red Dwarf  herself came out looking so great really.

    There's also the nasty VR effect in Cowboy Bebop, the sword moving when Mirror Burnham got stabbed in Discovery, the Suliban squishing under the silo door in Enterprise, and Luke's uncanny valley face in The Mandalorian.

    Click to see the worst effect.

    Best Looking TV Series

    This is almost certainly going to go to one of the most recent series, so it's between Cowboy Bebop, Doctor Who, Discovery and The Mandalorian. Those last three have all won the award in the past, with Discovery winning twice, but Cowboy Bebop was a stylish series and it won't be going down without a fight.

    And the prettiest TV show is...

    Best Space Battle

    Alright, now I've reached a proper award! Though I don't remember seeing many really good space battles last year. The Mandalorian had some great dogfighting, but the only real space battle was actually a scheme to board Gideon's cruiser. Discovery and the The Orville have had amazing battles in the past, but this time the best Disco could manage was a bizarre sequence where Detmer flew rings around the Emerald Chain mothership like it was Star Wars, and The Orville didn't even turn up.

    There was Voyager's battle around the Caretaker array though, plus the NX-01 versus the Suliban in Enterprise, and the Titan swooping in to save the Cerritos in Lower Decks. Farscape practically started with a space battle and Outlaw Star had the big messy space battle around the asteroid dock falling into a star.

    Plus Babylon 5 featured the Earth-Minbari War and the Earth Civil War, so there was a fight or two there as well.

    Click here to see who wins.

    Worst Season (Up to This Point)

    Last time this award was won by Short Treks and the time before that it was also won by Short Treks. But Short Treks ain't here this time, so it's going to be a more interesting contest.

    It's going to be easy to figure out though, as I can just look at my scores and calculate which season has the lowest average. And if I disagree with the answer it gives me I can always choose something else! Here's what I have to pick from:
    • Babylon 5 season 5.
    • Cowboy Bebop (2021).
    • Doctor Who series 13 - Flux.
    • Discovery season 3.
    • Lower Decks season 1.
    • The Mandalorian season 2.
    And the winner is...

    Best Season (Up to This Point)

    Babylon 5 has been dominating this award up until now, but season 4 is disqualified due to already winning last time, so can the first half of season 5 compete against a more mature The Mandalorian and a Star Trek show in its third season? Can it even compete against Lower Decks?

    All I know for sure is that Cowboy Bebop's not going to win this.

    Click here to see what won.

      Worst Episode

    This is going to be another easy one for me to figure out. I just have to check my numbers and see which is lowest. Here are my bottom five episdes, starting with the Netflix Cowboy Bebop episodes:
    • Darkside Tango - Jet teams up with his old partner to find the man who framed him.
    • Blue Crow Waltz - A flashback to how Spike and Vicious became enemies.
    • Supernova Symphony - Vicious kidnaps Jet's daughter to make him hand over Spike.
    There's also Doctor Who's Survivors of the Flux, where the companions go on a mission around the world to find someone who has premonitions of doom, and Star Trek's The Man Trap, where the crew accidentally pick up a shapeshifting killer with a craving for salt.

    Click to reveal my least favourite episode.

    Best Episode

    One final award. You'd assume that I'd be listing some The Mandalorian episodes at this point, seeing as it won best season, but Babylon 5 season 4 is back in play and it's not messing around. In fact it's brought three episodes:
    • Face of the Enemy - Garibaldi lures Sheridan into a trap and learns Bester's masterplan.
    • Intersections in Real Time - Sheridan is tortured.
    • Endgame -  Sheridan puts his plan into action to end the Earth Civil War.
    It feels to me like Firefly or Farscape should've made the list, maybe even that episode of Doctor Who with the time loop, but unfortunately for them Lower Decks has moved in to the top five and made itself at home, with:
    • Crisis Point - Mariner goes on a mission of vengeance in the holodeck.
    • No Small Parts - The Cerritos is ambushed by the Pakleds.
    Click to reveal the last best episode.

    Right, now I'm done with awards forever! I never have to remember things that happened in episodes ever again.

    I do have to keep writing about Babylon 5 though, until it's done, so next on Sci-Fi Adventures Garibaldi goes on holiday in The Ragged Edge.


    1. The Galaxy class also has small nacelles. It's less noticeable since the whole ship is squished along its direction of flight instead of elongated like Intrepid.

      1. Yeah, it seemed like there was a progression of the engines getting smaller over the years as the Federation technology improved. Then Star Trek: First Contact went "Actually, long engines look better for the new hero ship," and later ships followed suit, making Voyager look a bit out of place.

    2. I'm only going to give one award, and that's going to Lower Decks, because it surprised me by being much better than I thought it was going to be. Cameos by Riker are an always welcome bonus.

      1. Lower Decks also wins my 'Series that looked like it might be bad, but then it turned out it wasn't' award. It's probably my favourite of this era of Trek shows and I think I'd be overly optimistic to hope that Strange New Worlds is going to be the one to beat it. I mean, it doesn't even have a mean cat doctor.

      2. I almost feel that liking it so much is a bit of a cheat, because it's a love letter to TNG and I love TNG, but I can't help it. It's great.

      3. Love letters to TNG can also go very wrong though. I mean the last episode of Enterprise was a love letter to TNG.

      4. I don't know what you're talking about. The last episode of Enterprise ended with T'Pol having a baby and Archer giving a speech at Starfleet about interstellar cooperation. There were no episodes after that. None.
